- Overview
- Bylaws
- Members
- Agendas
- Minutes
- Audio
The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is responsible for reviewing plans, policies, and procedures as they relate to bicycle and pedestrian issues within the TPO planning area. In addition, the BPAC is responsible for the review and ranking of bicycle and pedestrian priority project applications that are submitted on an annual basis through the TPO’s annual Call for Projects. The mission of the BPAC is to:
“Create and implement a regional plan for the continuing enhancement and expansion of the bicycle and pedestrian network. We will support activities that encourage and provide for a safe and balanced transportation system that promotes connectivity, mobility, health and an improved quality of life.”
The BPAC meets in the Airline Room at the Daytona Beach International Airport on the second Wednesday of each month (except July and December) at 2:00 p.m.
A. The adopted mission describes the function of the BPAC to:
“Create and implement a regional plan for the continuing enhancement and expansion of the bicycle and pedestrian network. We will support activities that encourage and provide for a safe and balanced transportation system that promotes connectivity, mobility, health and an improved quality of life.”
B. The BPAC shall consist of twenty-six (26) voting members made up of private citizens. Every elected official serving on the TPO Board, including the non-voting members of the Small City Alliance shall appoint in writing one (1) representative to serve on the committee.
C. Non-voting advisors shall consist of municipal representatives, transportation planners, professional engineers and those technical personnel made available by the various municipalities. These positions will include: one (1) person from a large city, one (1) person from small city, one (1) person from Volusia County government and one (1) person from Flagler County government. Non-voting advisors will also include: one (1) person from the Volusia County School Board, one (1) person from the Flagler County School Board, one (1) person from Votran and one (1) person from Flagler County Transit.
D. A FDOT District 5 staff member shall serve as a non-voting advisor to the BPAC.
E. River to Sea TPO staff will provide support for the meeting.
A. Voting members of the BPAC must be residents of the area in which they are appointed to represent and they shall not be elected officials or paid staff.
B. One alternate may be appointed for each BPAC position. Alternates must be appointed by the TPO Board member, in writing, and may participate in the meeting and vote only in the absence of the primary member.
C. Voting members and their alternates shall serve at the pleasure of their respective TPO Board member for a period of time to be determined by the River to Sea TPO Board member that is being represented. To ensure continuous representation, a voting member of the BPAC may continue to serve beyond the term of the appointing board member until a replacement has been appointed.
D. Any vacancies in membership shall be filled in the same manner as the initial appointment.
E. Each BPAC representative is expected to demonstrate his/her interest in the BPAC’s activities through participation in the scheduled meetings except for reasons of an unavoidable nature. In cases of unavoidable nature, each representative should ensure his/her alternate attends. No more than three (3) consecutive absences will be allowed by the representative or alternate. Should a member have three (3) consecutive absences, excused or unexcused, and/or three (3) meetings, unexcused in a calendar year, a letter will be sent to the board member that designated the BPAC member informing them of the violation.
F. Municipalities and agencies, in selecting their non-voting representatives, shall name only those technically-qualified persons employed by a government or governmental agency.
G. An alternate may be named, approved and confirmed for each non-voting member, provided the recommended alternate meets the technical qualifications set forth in the preceding items
A. Annually, nominations from the floor will be provided by those committee members present at the regularly scheduled meeting in June for the purpose of electing the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
B. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the members present at the June meeting and shall serve a term of one year, starting on July 1st of each year.
C. BPAC officers cannot serve more than two consecutive terms for the same office. At no time may a non-voting staff support advisor chair the BPAC.
D. The Chair shall preside at all meetings and, in the event of his/her absence or at his/her direction, the Vice Chair shall assume the powers and duties of the Chair. In addition, the Chairperson shall serve on the River to Sea TPO Board as a non-voting member and attend the regular monthly TPO Board meetings in order to represent the discussions and actions of the BPAC.
A. Monthly meetings of the BPAC shall be held on a regularly scheduled day, time and place approved by the BPAC membership. Regular meeting dates and times may be changed by action of the BPAC to accommodate holidays and/or other activities that may interrupt a scheduled meeting.
B. Special and/or emergency meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by initiative of two or more members of the BPAC petitioning the Chairperson. At least two (2) business days’ notice must be provided to the members and alternates for special or emergency meetings.
C. A minimum of nine (9) voting members of the BPAC must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Once a quorum has been determined at the start of the meeting, items on the agenda may be voted on. The action of a simple majority of the members present during the time of a vote shall be considered an act of the BPAC. If at any point during the meeting attendance drops to less than nine (9) voting members, no further actions will be taken by the committee; however, presentations and other business may continue.
D. The agenda for the BPAC includes presentations and actions required to support recommendations for the TPO Board as set by the Executive Committee and transportation-related items of interest identified by members. TPO staff and presenters will provide timely input/materials for the BPAC agenda.
E. The River to Sea TPO staff is responsible for the minutes of the meetings and for all notices and agendas for future meetings. The TPO shall furnish a Recording Secretary for all BPAC meetings.
F. Notices and tentative agendas shall be sent to members and alternates five (5) working days prior to the regular meeting dates.
G. Requests for agenda changes must be received by the Chairperson or TPO staff at least three (3) working days prior to the regular meetings or one (1) working day prior to special meetings.
H. Meetings will be open to the public and press and time will be allocated for public comment. Public comment will generally be limited to three (3) minutes but may be expanded at the discretion of the Chairperson.
I. Meetings of the BPAC shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise outlined in in these Bylaws.
A. The BPAC is responsible for reviewing plans, policies and procedures as they relate to bicycle and pedestrian issues in the River to Sea TPO planning area and for making recommendations to the TPO Board that are pertinent to these subjects.
B. BPAC recommendations to the TPO Board shall be based upon the technical sufficiency, accuracy and completeness of studies and plans and/or programs.
C. The BPAC shall make priority recommendations to the TPO Board and/or other agencies responsible for plan and program implementation based upon the needs as determined by technical studies.
D. The BPAC shall serve as an advisory committee regarding bicycle and pedestrian matters to any and all duly constituted areawide transportation authorities and/or boards, as well as areawide planning boards or councils for physical development, health, social or comprehensive planning upon direct request of such authorities, boards or councils.
E. The BPAC shall, when feasible and desirable to do so, utilize any means that may be suggested or devised to provide for citizen participation in the planning process for bicycle and pedestrian issues.
A. Subcommittees shall be designated by the BPAC as necessary to investigate and report on specific subject areas of interest to the BPAC. Subcommittees may also be designated as necessary to deal with administrative and legislative procedures relating to the BPAC. These may include, but are not limited to:
- Highways
- Mass Transit
- Transportation needs of “transportation-disadvantaged” groups
- Project Review Committee
- Nominating Committee
B. When a subcommittee is convened, the first action of the committee shall be to establish the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, outline the scope of activities of the subcommittee, the expected duration of the group and frequency of meetings if known. A summary report of each meeting will be made available.
Voting Members
- Beverly Beach Vacant
- Bunnell Vacant
- Daytona Beach Doug Hall
- Daytona Beach Shores Vacant
- DeBary Terry Lodge
- DeLand Ted Wendler - Chairperson
- Deltona Victor Ramos - Vice Chairperson
- Edgewater Teresa Heavener
- Flagler Beach Jauxniece Palmer
- Flagler County Larry Coletti
- Holly Hill Vacant
- Lake Helen Patrick McCallister
- New Smyrna Beach Nic Mostert
- Oak Hill Vacant
- Orange City Bob Storke
- Ormond Beach Gayle Belin
- Palm Coast James Lowry
Laura Schweinsberg (alternate) - Pierson Vacant
- Ponce Inlet Tom Bahleda
Nancy Epps (alternate) - Port Orange Lee Rogowski
- South Daytona Christy Gillis
- Volusia County Maggie Ardito
Emery Jeffreys (alternate) - Volusia County Eileen Sharp
- Volusia County Vacant
- Volusia County Elizabeth Bonds
- Volusia County Dr. Jason Aufdenberg
Non-Voting Members
- Flagler County Adam Mengel
- Flagler County Schools Vacant
- Flagler County Transit Hamid Tabassian
Trevor Martin (alternate) - Volusia County Schools Robert Voges
David German (alternate) - Volusia County Sean Castello
Meghan Lindsey (alternate) - Large City, Port Orange Suzette Cameron
Penelope Cruz (alternate) - FDOT Stephanie Phillips
- Volusia County Transit Services Division Jacob Lunceford
Ralf Heseler (alternate)
09-11-2024 BPAC Agenda
09-11-24 BPAC Slide Deck
FY 23-24 Public Outreach Presentation
2024 Mobility Week-RRS Challenge Presentation
Dial in by phone: +1 561-484-5911 589862389# United States, West Palm Beach
Dial-in by phone: +1 561-484-5911 82751667# United States, West Palm Beach
06-12-2024 BPAC Agenda
06-12-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
Dial-in by phone:
+1 561-484-5911 778305306# United States, West Palm Beach
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Phone conference ID: 778 305 306#
05-08-2024 Revised BPAC Agenda
05-08-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
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+1 561-484-5911 42866144# United States, West Palm Beach
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Phone conference ID: 428 661 44#
04-10-2024 BPAC Agenda
04-10-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
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Or call in (audio only):
+1 561-484-5911 503955107# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 503 955 107#
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03-13-2024 BPAC Agenda
03-13-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
24.03.27 Volusia BFF Program Updates BPAC-CAC-TCC
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+1 561-484-5911 965540265# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 965 540 265#
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02-14-2024 BPAC Agenda
02-14-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
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+1 561-484-5911 836715133# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 836 715 133#
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01-10-2024 BPAC Agenda
Transportation Performance Measures Presentation
UPWP Handout
01-10-24 BPAC Meeting Slide Deck
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+1 561-484-5911 516598297# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 516 598 297#
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11-08-2023 BPAC Agenda
2024 Application for BicyclePedestrian Projects – IMPLEMENTATION – DRAFT 11.08.23 Clean
2024 Application for BicyclePedestrian Projects – FEASIBILITY STUDIES – DRAFT 11.08.23 Clean
FDOT WPPH Presentation
11-08-23 BPAC Meeting Slides
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 561-484-5911 254686032# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 254 686 032#
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10-11-23 BPAC Agenda
Florida Wildlife Corridor Trail TPO Request – 10-09-23
2023 List of SUN Trail Projects-Draft Amendment 10.25.2023
10-11-23 BPAC Meeting Slides
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+1 561-484-5911 570349137# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 570 349 137#
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09-13-2023 BPAC Agenda
TPO Sunshine Law Presentation
09-13-23 BPAC Meeting Slides
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+1 561-484-5911 141610967# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 141 610 967#
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08-09-23 BPAC Agenda
08-09-23 BPAC Meeting Slides
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+1 561-484-5911 952843540# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 952 843 540#
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06-14-23 BPAC Agenda
NHCWV 6.6.23 Agency Update
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+1 561-484-5911 857618491# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 857 618 491#
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05-10-23 BPAC Agenda
Trail Master Plan Summary Presentation
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+1 561-484-5911 663784805# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 663 784 805#
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04-12-23 BPAC Agenda
Trail Master Plan Summary Public Presentation
SR A1A Presentation
Social Marketing Presentation
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+1 561-484-5911 869144050# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 869 144 050#
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*Please note that a physical quorum is required for each meeting*
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+1 561-484-5911 253734333# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 253 734 333#
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*Please note that a physical quorum is required for each meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely*
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+1 561-484-5911 748374204# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 748 374 204#
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B Votran Service Update
FDOT Work Program Presentation
TPM Safety Data Presentation
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for each meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely*
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+1 561-484-5911 429706441# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 429 706 441#
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Meeting Cancellation Notice
11-09-2022 BPAC Agenda
Votran Service Update Presentation
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Meeting ID: 298 372 957 897
Passcode: UgBC3Y
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 561-484-5911 228297696# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 228 297 696#
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*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely*
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+1 561-484-5911 315337360# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 315 337 360#
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*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
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Meeting ID: 295 294 162 467
Passcode: T4CaTN
Or call in (audio only)
+1 561-484-5911 30971439# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 309 714 39#
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08-10-2022 BPAC Agenda
C1 SS4A_Presentation
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
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+1 561-484-5911 30971439# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 309 714 39#
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06-08-2022 BPAC Agenda
Draft Public Participation Plan (Updated May 27 2022)
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+1 561-484-5911 603201279# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 603 201 279#
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05-11-2022 BPAC Agenda
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
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+1 561-484-5911 250086749# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 250 086 749#
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04-06-2022 BPAC Agenda
Draft 2022 Title VI Updates (03-23-22)
Limited English Proficiency Plan (Draft 03-21-22)
Draft Public Participation Plan (Updated April 2022)
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+1 561-484-5911 946136279# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 946 136 279#
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Draft 2022 Title VI-LEP Updates
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
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+1 561-484-5911 417054216# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 417 054 216#
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Notice BPAC 02-09-22 on Letterhead revised
02-09-2022 BPAC Agenda
UPWP Tasks with Edits from Subcommittee Meeting BPAC Presentation
**This meeting will take place at
Volusia County Beach Safety Headquarters
515 South Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor Conference Room
Daytona Beach, FL 32118**
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for the meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 561-484-5911 284787824# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 284 787 824#
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01-12-2022 BPAC Agenda
TPM Safety Data Presentation
2022 Transit Safety Targets & TAM Updates
2022 01 12 D5 Office of Safety R2STPO BPAC
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for the meeting. All others are asked to attend remotely.
Join the BPAC Meeting on your computer or mobile app
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 561-484-5911 251538904# United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 251 538 904#
01-10-2024 BPAC Minutes
02-14-2024 BPAC Minutes (as amended)
03-13-2024 BPAC Minutes
04-10-2024 BPAC Minutes
05-08-2024 BPAC Minutes
06-12-2024 BPAC Minutes
08-14-2024 BPAC Minutes
01-11-2023 BPAC Minutes
02-08-2023 BPAC Minutes
03-08-2023 BPAC Minutes
04-12-2023 BPAC Minutes
05-10-2023 BPAC Minutes
06-14-2023 BPAC Minutes (as amended 08-09-23)
08-09-2023 BPAC Minutes
09-13-2023 BPAC Minutes
10-11-2023 BPAC Minutes
11-08-2023 BPAC Minutes