Public Participation Plan – Title VI/LEP

Cover of the Public Participation Plan: five people surrounding a table where they are holding pens and pointing to sticky notes and they appear to be collaborating on a task.Public Participation Plan

The Volusia-Flagler TPO represents a diverse community and welcomes the thoughts and input of community advocates, citizens, businesses, students, etc.  We believe that good decision-making occurs when all factors are fully considered. While much of our information comes from technical analyses, it is clear that the human experience provides important and necessary details that help us to understand and support the data. This means gathering input from people throughout our community to ensure we are aware of the needs that exist, and the impacts of projects being developed.

We would like you to be aware of the work we are doing and welcome any input that you can provide in whichever way is most comfortable for you – perhaps that is through an email, visiting our website, giving us a call, or attending one of our meetings.

Our Public Participation Plan (PPP) outlines the strategies the Volusia-Flagler TPO uses to ensure the public can participate in the decision-making process in ways that are both meaningful and inclusive. In addition, the plan identifies how the TPO will promote and encourage public participation. So, take a few minutes and look through our plan – we welcome and value your feedback and input.

Public Participation Plan (Updated 03-2023)

Title VI Policy Statement and Discrimination Complaint Procedures

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act prohibits any person in the United States from being denied the benefits of or discriminated against under any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance.

The Volusia-Flagler TPO values diversity and welcomes and actively seeks input from all interested parties, regardless of cultural identity, background or income level. Moreover, the Volusia-Flagler TPO does not tolerate discrimination in any of its programs, services or activities. The Volusia-Flagler TPO will not exclude participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination anyone on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, income or family status. The Volusia-Flagler TPO will actively work to ensure the inclusion of everyone in our community so that the Volusia-Flagler TPO’s programs, services and activities represent the diversity we enjoy.

The Volusia-Flagler TPO’s Title VI Policy Statement and Discrimination Complaint Procedures were updated in April 2022 and March 2023.
River to Sea TPO Title VI (Updated 03-2023)
Title VI Complaint Form – English (adopted 04-27-22)
Formulario de Queja Titulo VI – Espanol (adopted 04-27-22)

2024 River to Sea TPO Statements and Assurances

Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Access Plan 

The Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Access Plan’s goal is to ensure that the Volusia-Flagler TPO recognizes the needs of limited English proficient (LEP) members of the community, implements a plan to communicate effectively and ensures reasonable access to our processes, information and decision-making. The TPO’s LEP Plan was updated on April 27, 2022.
Limited English Proficiency Plan (Adopted 04-27-22)