
The Volusia-Flagler TPO’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Program includes a variety of project planning and safety-related activities to improve cycling and walking in our community.  The program considers funding the construction of new projects for sidewalks, bicycle trails, and paths as well as promotional programs including bicycle safety for children and properly fitting and distributing bicycle helmets free of charge.

This program includes the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), the Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan, bicycle & pedestrian projects, and community safety-related programs.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Survey

The Florida DOT is conducting a safety survey related to Pedestrian and Bicycle activity.  Please take and then share this survey.   The survey is 25 questions long and parts of it will test your knowledge of traffic laws; however, it will not reveal to you if you answered correctly.  The purpose is to determine how well the public knows traffic safety laws.

Here is a link to the survey:  FDOT Bicycle Pedestrian Safety Survey

Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
The BPAC consists of 26 voting members made up of private citizens appointed by elected officials serving on the TPO Board and non-voting members.  Non-voting members include technical staff appointees such as highway and transportation planners, professional engineers, and technical personnel made available by the various municipalities.

Bicycle/Pedestrian Plan
The Volusia-Flagler TPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan incorporates the existing and planned bicycle/pedestrian networks in the Volusia-Flagler TPO planning area.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Projects
The Volusia-Flagler TPO provides assistance to local governments by providing federal funds to help plan, design, and build sidewalk and trail projects.  The Volusia-Flagler TPO uses federal funds to hire consultants to perform bicycle & pedestrian feasibility studies for projects on the List of Prioritized Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects. Federal funds are combined with local matching funds to program projects in the Florida Department of Transportation’s five-year Work Program through the construction stage.

Community Safety-Related Programs
As part of its efforts to develop and expand a network of safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities, the Volusia-Flagler TPO has authorized the Bicycle and Pedestrian School Safety Review Study.  The primary goal of the study is to provide recommendations for safe, connected, and well-maintained pedestrian and bicycle facilities to encourage students to walk and/or ride bicycles to school.  A secondary goal of the study is to encourage planning efforts that include the analysis of long-term cost trade-offs related to bicycle and pedestrian safety. A third goal of the study is to provide a general understanding of costs associated with constructing safety improvements.

Bicycle & Pedestrian School Safety Review Study assessments have been completed on over sixty-three (63) elementary and middle schools and new school sites in Volusia County.  Assessments have also been completed for seven (7) elementary and middle schools in Flagler County.  Additional information can be found at B/P School Safety Studies.

The Volusia County Bicycling Map for the Experienced Cyclist was the first countywide bicycling map.  It was completed by the BPAC and Volusia-Flagler TPO staff in 2009.  The first revised map was published in 2012.  The map was developed in cooperation with the Florida Bicycle Association, Florida Freewheelers Bicycle Club, Bike Florida, and local governments in Volusia County. The map was updated again and is now called the 2019 Bicycle Suitability Map. It includes all of the TPO’s planning area.  The current bike map is available for download at bicycle-pedestrian maps.

The Bicycle Safety Awareness Decal (It’s the Law Decal) promotes Florida Statute 316.083 (1) – a statute that states the driver of a vehicle passing a bicycle or other non-motorized vehicle must pass the bicycle or other non-motorized vehicle at a distance of at least 3 feet.  Decals are displayed on public and private vehicles alike. The decal is available by contacting the TPO at or clicking the following link: Volusia-Flagler TPO Decal

The Walk and Ride Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Video is a Volusia-Flagler TPO project funded by the Florida Safe Routes to School Program and produced by Daytona State College.  The video and accompanying public service announcements promote safe practices for walking and biking. English and Spanish versions of the video are available. The videos are available at Bicycle Safety Videos.

The Volusia-Flagler TPO conducts Bicycle Safety Awareness Programs.  Bicycle helmets are purchased by the Volusia-Flagler TPO and awarded by a Bicycle Helmet Promotion Grant from Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycling Safety Resource Center.  The bicycle helmets are fitted and donated to individuals free of charge. The helmets are fitted at public events such as the Port Orange Family Days and by appointment.

Complete Streets

Complete streets are planned, designed, operated, and maintained to safely accommodate people of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, transit users, emergency services, freight, plus adjacent businesses, and residents.  The Volusia-Flagler TPO recognizes that, depending on context, streets may serve diverse activities, functions, and intensity of uses, including recreational and destination-based uses.

River to Sea TPO Resolution 2019-19 (Adopting the Complete Streets Policy)

Bicycle/Pedestrian Links

Links Provided in Documents: