Community Presentations

The River to Sea TPO staff is available to speak at various events in an effort to help increase awareness of transportation planning, decision-making, bicycle and pedestrian safety, or other transportation-related issues. Contact us at to schedule a presentation or visit to your organization or group.

River to Sea TPO Speaker’s Bureau

We now have a Speakers’ Bureau! Do you need a speaker for your event, group, committee, or board to talk about who the TPO is, distracted driving, speeding, and/or drunk or drugged driving? We can help! Contact Pamela Blankenship, the River to Sea TPO’s Community Outreach Coordinator at to schedule a presentation.

Recent TPO Presentations

Presentation on who the TPO is and what we do:

What is the TPO? Presentation

Presentation on Florida Sunshine Law:

TPO Sunshine Law Presentation

Presentation on Parliamentary Procedures:

Parliamentary Procedures Presentation

Federal Certification Review Public Meeting Presentation (June 14, 2023):

Federal Certification Public Meeting Presentation