Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) will solicit REQUEST FOR FUNDING (RFF) projects by the Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail program for inclusion in the work program development cycle through Fiscal Years 2029 / 2030. Approved project phases will become part of the Adopted Work Program on July 1, 2025. The solicitation cycle opens September 27, 2023, and closes at 2:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST), December 20, 2023 (Hard deadline). The solicitation was officially announced on page 9 of Volume 49, Number 185, September 22, 2023, of the Florida Administrative Register (FAR). You may view the Notice (27582258) by clicking the following link: https://www.flrules.org/gateway/View_Notice.asp?id=27582258.
To be eligible for consideration applicants must APPLY during the open solicitation cycle online at flgap.com by submitting a complete RFF with all applicable project information, including required signatures and documentation for each eligible unfunded project phase, and the SUN Trail Cost Estimate (Excel) through the Grant Application Process online system (GAP). Funding is limited to the provisions of Section 339.81, F.S., the Florida Department of Financial Services Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number 55.038, and FDOT Work Program Instructions. FDOT will not accept nor consider late proposals or any RFF not meeting and satisfying the provisions and SUN Trail Eligibility Criteria. FDOT will consider all phases of project development, including feasibility / initial planning; project development and environment; design; acquisition of right-of-way; new construction, reconstruction or resurfacing of trail surfaces or bridges and maintenance (e.g., obligations for pavement, drainage, land stabilization and safety controls). Eligible applicants include municipal, county, state, federal, and tribal governments, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, or other public land agencies with responsibility for trails.
For more information visit: FloridaSunTrail.com.
FDOT Contacts are available to answer questions.