The Central Florida MPO Alliance (CFMPOA), whose membership is comprised of metropolitan planning
organizations including the Lake-Sumter MPO, MetroPlan Orlando, Ocala/Marion TPO, Polk TPO, the Space Coast TPO, and the VolusiaTPO announces the following public meeting, to which all persons are invited:
Date: Friday, April 13, 2012
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: MetroPlan Orlando, David L. Grovdahl Board Room
315 E. Robinson Street, Suite 355
Orlando, FL 32801
Purpose: Regularly scheduled CFMPOA meeting
A copy of the detailed agenda may be obtained by contacting Ms. Cathy Goldfarb,315 East Robinson Street, Suite 355, Orlando, FL 32801, (407) 481-5672 extension 315.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any person with a disability as defined by the ADA needs special accommodations to participate in this proceeding, he or she should contact
MetroPlan Orlando staff member Ms. Cathy Goldfarb (contact info below), at least three days prior to the event. In addition, persons requiring translation services, which are provided at no cost, should also contact Ms. Goldfarb at least three business days prior to the event. Contact Information: Cathy Goldfarb | (407) 481-5672 x315 | Email: | Address: MetroPlan Orlando, 315 East Robinson Street, Suite 355, Orlando, Florida, 32801