2018 District 5 SRTS Workshop Application Writing
Seeking Solutions to Advance Walking and Biking at Your School
Safe Routes to School Application Workshop – UPDATE
October 5, 2018
Florida Department of Transportation
District 5, Sailfish Room
1650 N Kepler Rd, Deland, FL 32724
9 am – 12 pm
RSVP: October 1, 2018 to Chad.Lingenfelter@dot.state.fl.us
This 3-hour workshop explains the SRTS Program, gives you tips on how to: structure a competitive grant, complete the application, and improve its chances of being selected for some of the $7,000,000 in Florida’s SRTS funding this cycle. Local staff will be going over areas that need improvements in the applications received. We will also be introducing a new initiative: reevaluating all the previously awarded infrastructure projects for effectiveness. This will help in determining whether the current criteria will need to be changed. Also, your local SRTS Educators will be letting you know what is going on. While this is not a mandatory workshop, it will be worth your time in attending.
FDOT Central Office staff as well as District 5 staff will be on hand to answer your questions.