The River to Sea TPO is in the process of developing Connect 2045, Your Community Transportation Plan. Long-range transportation plans, such as Connect 2045, establish policy-direction and identify the transportation projects and programs that best reflect the future needs of the community and region. As part of the process for developing the plan, it is critical to understand and address the potential effects of planning and prioritization decisions on traditionally underserved members of the community, which often includes minority and low-income populations.
We are at a very important point in the plan development and the River to Sea TPO is seeking additional input regarding potential transportation needs, issues, and/or concerns of underserved populations. To do this, we’re hosting a workshop that will include a description of the planning process, efforts to consider potential adverse impacts to minority and low-income populations, an overview of the draft plan, and plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.
We invite your attendance at the Connect 2045 Environmental Justice Virtual Workshop which will be held on Tuesday, August 4 at 10:00 AM. Please use the following link to register for the webinar and if you need assistance with registering, please let us know: