The Volusia Transportation Planning Organization (VTPO) is now accepting transportation project funding applications for the Priority Project Process. Applications will be used by the VTPO and the Florida Department of Transportation to qualify and prioritize proposed projects for funding. The deadline for submittal of all project funding applications is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 13, 2012.
4 – 2012 Priority Project Application for XU Traffic Ops_ITS_Safety Projects (2-29-12) (approved by the TPO Board on February 28, 2012)
2012 XU Bike-Ped Project Application(approved by the TPO Board on February 28, 2012).
6 – 2012 Priority Project Application for Enhancement Projects (2-29-12)(approved by the TPO Board on February 28, 2012).

For questions regarding XU ITS/Traffic Operations/Safety Projects, contact Robert Keeth,
(386) 226-0422, extension 30.
For questions regarding XU Bicycle/Pedestrian Projects or Transportation Enhancement
Projects, contact Stephan Harris, 386 226-0422, extension 34.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.