The White Cane/Pedestrian Safety Awareness event, which is to educate drivers, officials and the general public about pedestrian safety laws, has been developed by a committee, made up of representatives from various agencies and organizations.
It has been rescheduled for Friday, October 28 (this coming Friday) in Daytona Beach. It is being held in combination with the 2016 Health and Human Services Summit, which is coordinated by One Voice For Volusia. It will be held near the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach and we plan on starting at about 10:30, just outside the main doors of the Ocean Center, with speeches and presentation of proclamations from the County of Volusia and City of Daytona Beach.
At about 11:00, we plan on walking to the intersection of Atlantic Avenue (A1A) and Auditorium Blvd. We will be crossing at the intersection from about 11:00 to noon, going in the clockwise direction around the four crossings. I understand that the Daytona Beach Police will be on hand to assist when necessary.
The people participating in our event, can also attend the Summit, and those at the Summit can participate in our event. The activity is open to anyone who wishes to come join or assist us, whether as a participant, volunteer or as a supporter of the activity.