2045 Long Range Transportation Plan – LRTP

Connect 2045
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

Connect 2045 is the long-range transportation plan (LRTP) developed by the Volusia-Flagler Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) to reflect and meet the future transportation needs of our changing community. This planning effort represents a core function of the TPO and is the result of a continuous, cooperative, and comprehensive (3-C) planning process.  Developed with input from people, agencies, and organizations representing all parts of our community and reflecting collective values and a broad range of needs, the plan strives to provide residents, visitors, and businesses with the best transportation solutions to efficiently and safely move people and goods.

Connect 2045:

  • Is consistent with applicable state and federal requirements
  • Is coordinated locally, and within the region and state
  • Integrates detailed and general community and stakeholder input
  • Aligns community vision with project priorities
  • Identifies a multimodal, fiscally constrained Cost Feasible Plan to enhance the area’s transportation network over the next 25 years
  • Provides benefits to the entire population without disproportionate adverse impacts

Connect 2045 Amendment 5 – December 6, 2023

On December 6, 2023, the River to Sea TPO amended the Connect 2045 LRTP to reflect updated funding for the I-95 at US 1 Interchange Project (FM# 419772-3).
Connect 2045 Amendment 5 Support Materials
Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23; 12-06-23)
Connect 2045 Appendix B (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23; 12-06-23)
Connect 2045 Appendix C (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23; 12-06-23)

Connect 2045 Amendment 4 – January 25, 2023

On January 25, 2023, the River to Sea TPO amended the Connect 2045 LRTP to reflect updated funding for the I-95 at Pioneer Trail Interchange Project (Volusia County/Port Orange/New Smyrna Beach).

Connect 2045 Amendment 4 Support Materials
Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23)
Connect 2045 Appendix B (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23)
Connect 2045 Appendix C (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22; 01-25-23)

Connect 2045 Amendment 3 – October 26, 2022

On October 26, 2022, the River to Sea TPO amended the Connect 2045 LRTP to reflect updated funding for the Flagler Central Commerce Parkway Connector from US Highway 1 to State Road 100 (Bunnell).

Connect 2045 Amendment 3 Support Materials
Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22)
Connect 2045 Appendix B (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22)
Connect 2045 Appendix C (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22; 10-26-22)

Connect 2045 Amendment 2 – March 25, 2022

On March 25, 2022, the River to Sea TPO amended the Connect 2045 LRTP to reflect updated funding for the I-95 at US 1 Interchange (Ormond Beach) and the I-95 at LPGA Blvd. Interchange (Daytona Beach).

Connect 2045 Amendment 2 – Support Materials
Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22)
Connect 2045 Appendix B (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22)
Connect 2045 Appendix C (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21; 03-25-22)

Connect 2045 Amendment 1 – May 26, 2021

On May 26, 2021, the River to Sea TPO amended the Connect 2045 LRTP to reflect updated funding to support the Central Florida Commuter Rail System Phase II North Expansion. This project makes needed track modifications to extend SunRail service from the existing northern terminus at the DeBary station north to the DeLand station. This amendment includes revisions to Chapter 5, Chapter 6, and Appendix D of the Connect 2045 LRTP.

Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21)
Connect 2045 Appendix D (Adopted 09-23-20 – Amended 05-26-21)

The River to Sea TPO Governing Board adopted the Connect 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) on September 23, 2020.

Connect 2045 Summary
Connect 2045 Final Plan Document (Adopted 09-23-20)


Appendix A:  Acronyms
Appendix B: _Roadway Projects and Costs/Demonstration of Fiscal Constraint – Year of Expenditure
Appendix C:  Roadway Projects and Costs – Present Day Value
Appendix D:  Transit Tables

Appendix E:  Bicycle and Pedestrian Priorities
Appendix F:  LRTP Checklist

Technical Appendices:

Technical Appendix A:  Plan and Data Summary Review
Technical Appendix B:  CFRPM 7 Model Validation Report
Technical Appendix C:  CFRPM 7 2045 Socioeconomic Data
Technical Appendix D:  Public Involvement Plan
Technical Appendix E:  Public Involvement Activities
Technical Appendix F:  Environmental Mitigation/Consultation Summary

Technical Appendix G:  Freight Summary
Technical Appendix H:  Scenario Planning Support Documentation
Technical Appendix I:  Technical Criteria Scoring
Technical Appendix J:  Revenue Forecast and Guidebook


Connect 2045 Videos:
Ways to Join the Transportation Conversation:

The Impact of Emerging Technology:

What’s Important to You in Transportation?

2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) was developed with the assistance of the TPO Board, standing committees, and other stakeholders. It is a policy document that guides the TPO in the development, management, and operation of a safe and efficient transportation system for the next 25 years.

The 2040 LRTP accomplishes the following:

  • Updates the River to Sea TPO’s vision, goals and objectives
  • Develops performance measures that align the goals and objectives with national transportation goals
  • Describes the existing transportation system
  • Identifies current and future transportation system needs for the 25-year planning period
  • Forecasts future federal and state transportation revenues
  • Develops a Congestion Management Process (CMP) to identify congestion and prioritize improvements to relieve it
  • Identifies and prioritizes improvements into a Cost Feasible plan

R2CTPO 2040 LRTP (Adopted-1-27-16) (Amended-10-23-19)

R2CTPO 2040 LRTP Appendices (Amended-10-23-2019)

R2CTPO 2040 LRTP Summary (Amended 10-23-19)