437935-1 Barracuda Bridge Info Flyer
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) invites you to a public meeting regarding the design to replace the existing Barracuda Bridge over the Canal Bradano waterway in New Smyrna Beach on Wednesday, December 2, at 5:30 p.m.
The public meeting is being held to present the updated bridge design, estimated construction timelines, and to obtain public input.
The Department is offering multiple ways for the community to participate in the meeting. All participants, regardless of platform they choose, will participate in the same live meeting.
Virtual Options: Interested persons may join the Virtual Public Meeting (VPM) from a computer, tablet or mobile device. A VPM is a free live presentation or webinar over the internet. For this option, advance registration is required by visiting the link below. Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting online. Please note, Internet Explorer cannot be used to register or attend this webinar. http://fdot.cc/barracuda-virtual
Phone Option (Listen Only): Participants may also join the meeting in listen-only mode by dialing 1-877-309-2071 and entering the passcode 346-208-813 when prompted. Callers may submit comments directly to the project manager by using the contact information listed at the end of this letter.
In-Person Option: Participants may attend in person by going to the Brannon Center, 105 S. Riverside Dr., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168. The Department requests advance registration for this option to ensure all attendees are accommodated safely and according to social distancing guidelines. To register for the in-person option, please contact the project manager by using the contact information listed at the end of this letter. Attendees will be asked to follow all safety and sanitation guidelines as well as adhere to any local ordinances. Attendees who are not feeling well should not attend the in-person meeting.
The VPM and in-person meeting location open at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, December 2. A presentation will begin promptly at 6 p.m. If joining online, please provide adequate log-in time to view the presentation in its entirety.
All meeting materials, including the presentation, will be available on the project website at www.cflroads.com/project/437935-1 prior to the meeting. Also, a recording of the meeting will be available on the website within a week following the meeting.
FDOT is sending notices to all property owners, business owners, interested persons and organizations to provide the opportunity to offer comments and express their views regarding this project and the proposed improvements.
Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to FDOT compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting Jennifer Smith, FDOT District Five Title VI Coordinator, at Jennifer.Smith2@dot.state.fl.us.
Persons who require accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or persons who require translation services (free of charge) should contact Eric Trull, at 407-569-8993 or eric@valerin-group.com at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
If you have any questions or comments about the project, please contact: FDOT Project Manager Chris Dabson, P.E., by phone at 386-943-5227, by email at chris.dabson@dot.state.fl.us, or via mail at Florida Department of Transportation, Attn: Chris Dabson, P.E., 719 South Woodland Boulevard, M.S. 545, DeLand, FL 32720.
Christopher L. Dabson, P.E.
FDOT District Five Project Manager