The MetroPlan Orlando office is located at 250 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32801.
As a reminder, parking is available for MetroPlan Orlando in the parking garage located at 25 West South Street. The garage entrance is at Boone Avenue & South Street. (Please note: MetroPlan Orlando is unable to validate parking tickets from other parking garages.) You can also reach our office via SunRail, LYNX fixed route, LYMMO, bicycling, or walking.
Virtual access for the public to observe and provide public comment during the meeting will be provided. Please use this link to access virtual meeting information, and the agenda with supporting documentation: 2024-02-09-CFMPOA-Full-Agenda.pdf (
If you have questions concerning the meeting, please feel free to reach out to Virginia L. Whittington, Director of Regional Partnerships, at or 407-481-5672, ext. 314.