While we are practicing social distancing, many activities are still occurring here at the TPO. Although our physical office may not be open to the public, we are actively working to continue operations as scheduled. Below are a number of updates on the activities that are currently happening:
TPO Staff:
Due to COVID-19, the TPO staff is working remotely, for the most part, and can be reached during regular business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Contact information for staff is available at: www.r2ctpo.org/about/staff/. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email and/or phone with any questions, comments, feedback or concerns you may have.
TPO Projects:
All TPO projects and documents are on schedule. These include the following:
Connect 2045: the TPO’s 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP): The Connect 2045 Public Involvement Plan (PIP) has been updated to change the way we conduct public outreach during COVID-19. One of the changes is to hold public meetings virtually. These virtual public meetings will be scheduled for the end of May. The updated PIP will be presented for adoption by the committees and board in May. The LRTP Project Needs Assessment and Project Evaluation Plan were approved in April. The Draft Cost Feasible Plan will be presented in May and adopted in June. The TPO is on schedule to adopt the full 2045 LRTP in September 2020.
FY 2019/20 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment and Deobligation: The TPO committees and board approved the FY 2019/20 UPWP Amendment and Deobligation in March. As required, these were submitted to FDOT for processing and approval and we are waiting to hear back.
FY 2020/21 and 2021/22 UPWP: This two-year document describes the planning tasks to be undertaken by the TPO over the next two fiscal years. TPO staff is currently addressing comments received from FDOT and FHWA and the draft will be presented to the committees and board in May for final adoption.
FY 2020/21 to 2024/25 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): The TIP is the document that shows the projects and expenditures to be spent over the next five years. The TIP is on schedule and will be presented to the committees and board in May with adoption in June.
Priority Projects: The TPO’s Annual Call for Projects closed on March 31, 2020. Twenty-three (23) applications were received. The TIP Subcommittee and the BPAC Project Review Subcommittee have met to rank the applications. A draft ranking will be brought before the committees and board in May for presentation and in June for approval.
Public Participation Plan (PPP): The TPO is developing an update to the PPP to address virtual meetings. This update requires a 45-day public comment period and will be presented to the committees and board in May; adoption of the update will occur in June.
2020 Tell the TPO Survey: The Tell the TPO Survey launched on March 30th and will run through May 30th. Because of COVID-19, face-to-face events and meetings have been cancelled; therefore, we are heavily relying on social media and committee and board member assistance. We will continue to reach out to our stakeholders, partners and the public to ask for their help in sharing the survey. The survey is available at www.TelltheTPO.com.
As always, TPO staff is here to help with any questions or needs you may have – please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.