River to Sea TPO Request for Quotes for Janitorial Services
Letter Requesting Quotes
Exhibit A Scope of Services
Exhibit B TPO Floor Plan
Exhibit C Sample Contract
The River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (R2CTPO) is requesting quotes for janitorial services for its office located at:
2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
The cleaning services contract will begin February 1, 2020 and will be a three-year (3) contract with an option to extend the contract an additional two (2) years in one (1) year increments.
The River the R2CTPO is funded from state and federal grants through the Florida Department of Transportation. The R2CTPO holds regular public meetings at its office location and is the primary forum within which local governments and citizens voice concerns, identify priorities, and plan for improvements to all modes of transportation. The R2CTPO Board is comprised of elected officials representing various local area governments and appointed members representing transportation authorities serving the area. The organization has a small staff of seven (7) people. More information about the organization can be found on the R2CTPO’s website: www.r2ctpo.org. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Quote Requirements
The scope of services that outlines the various cleaning activities is available here: Exhibit A Scope of Services.
Please include the following information in the quote:
- Name of person providing the quote, vendor name, vendor address and date;
- Monthly price schedule for services and proposed cleaning schedule. Please note, the price will be used for the entire contract term, which will be a three-year (3) contract with an option to extend an additional two (2) years in one (1) year increments.
- Confirmation and proof that the that you are able to obtain the level of insurances listed in Section 17 of the attached sample contract Exhibit C Sample Contract
- The following statements or policies should be included:
- Background checks must be completed on all employees
- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify System is used to verify employment eligibility
- Subcontracting is not permitted without prior authorization
- Crew should be the same each time the office is cleaned
- Must comply with state and federal employment laws
- Three professional references; and
- If your company is a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) please indicate this in your submittal
Description of Area
The area to be cleaned includes nine (9) offices, hallways, one (1) small and one (1) large conference room, four (4) bathrooms, one (1) copier room, one (1) reception area and one (1) kitchen. There is a floor plan attached which represents 6,214 sq. ft. of office space of which 5,214 sq. ft. actively used occupied and will be the primary focus of the janitorial services. Exhibit B TPO Floor Plan
Office Tour
Companies wishing to view the TPO office may do so on December 12, 2019 at 3:00 PM. Questions may be asked and responded to during the office tour.
Questions pertaining to this solicitation may be sent to staff@r2ctpo.org on or before December 10, 2019 at 5:00 PM. The R2CTPO will respond to all questions no later than December 12, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
Submission of Quotes
Interested companies may email quotes to staff@r2ctpo.org or deliver quotes to Ms. Julie Adamson, River to Sea TPO, 2570 W. International Speedway Blvd., Suite 100, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 before 12:00 noon on December 17, 2019
Review of Quotes
The potential firm will be decided based on the lowest price and satisfaction of the requirements requested for the quote. The R2CTPO currently has $4,500 budgeted annually for this expense.