WAI – R2CTPO Press Release



Contact: Stephan Harris
Phone: 386-226-0422 ext. 20428
Email:    SHarris@r2ctpo.org
Website: www.r2ctpo.org     




 Daytona Beach FL: The National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD), in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s (NCCDPHP) Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO), announces that the River to Sea TPO has been selected as one of 10 interdisciplinary regional teams who will receive travel assistance to attend the 2019 Step It Up!: Action Institute to Increase Walking and Walkability, also known as the Walkability Action Institute (WAI) in Decatur, Ga., April 22-25.

The purpose of the WAI is to prepare interdisciplinary teams from metropolitan planning organization (MPO) regions (or other similar regional entities) to pursue policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) supports for walking and walkability. This action institute will provide teams with the most up-to-date academic and applied learning methods and will reinforce and support implementation of significant national public health policy statements promoting walking and walkability, such as the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition and Step It Up! – the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities. NACDD convenes a renowned course faculty to provide participant teams with an optimal learning experience.

The River to Sea TPO team that was selected is comprised of representatives from the River to Sea TPO, Florida Department of Health in Volusia County, City of Orange City and the Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida. Ultimately, the team’s work will create the impetus and example for all local governments in Volusia and Flagler Counties to adopt Complete Streets policies and allocate more funding for infrastructure improvements.

The River to Sea TPO team will join a NACDD force of 41 additional WAI alumni teams who are working to increase physical activity through macro PSE efforts focusing on active living and active transportation. Each team will participate in related pre- and post-course activities, including the development of a team action plan that will serve to augment their walkability efforts.

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For additional information or media inquiries, contact Stephan Harris, River to Sea TPO Transportation Planner – Project Manager, at SHarris@r2ctpo.org or 386-226-0422 ext. 20428.      

To learn more about NACDD’s WAI project and efforts, please visit www.chronicdisease.org/page/WAI.