Registration for Town Hall on Transportation in Florida, Public Comment
The Able Trust is hosting a Town Hall on September 2, 2020 to collect comments and feedback from Floridians with disabilities about transportation experiences and challenges, what needs attention and change to assist individuals in driving, public transport, flying, trains, services like Uber, Lyft, cabs etc. and we invite you to participate in this opportunity to provide comment.
We do need your help also in sharing the invitation to a wider audience so please share this opportunity! We are looking for as many Floridians with disabilities as possible to get connected. Transportation has been one of the biggest lingering barriers to obtaining and retaining employment and will take a collaborative effort to change. This is one step in that process.
There are three ways that everyone can provide comment that day see the registration page above for more info about social media, email statements and Town Hall day chat.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone online September 2nd!
Guenevere Crum
Senior Vice President
The Able Trust
3320 Thomasville Rd., Suite 200
Tallahassee, FL 32308
(850) 224-4493